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Your Dream, Our Mission - Your
Gateway to a Brighter Future

Only 2 weeks left to nominate your candidate for the Immigrant Journey Awards!

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Don’t miss the opportunity to nominate your candidate(s) for the Immigrant Journey Awards!

Cowles & Thompson’s Immigrant Journey Awards honor and celebrate the business, professional, and civic contributions of North Texas immigrants. Past honorees have immigrated from India, China, Mexico, Nigeria, Columbia, Sierra Leone, Taiwan, El Salvador, and Honduras and have been recognized for their significant achievements in business, education, medicine, athletics, community service, and politics.

Award categories include:

Immigrant Entrepreneur Award – Honoring an immigrant business owner who has founded a highly successful business in North Texas and who serves as a model and inspiration of success.

Immigrant Professional Excellence Award – Honoring an immigrant who has demonstrated significant professional achievements in their field and whose advancements in their field have positively impacted their profession or community.

Immigrant Spirit Award – Recognizing an immigrant civic leader or elected official who has contributed substantially to the community or the region.

Immigrant Advocate Award – Recognizing those who have made a positive impact on the lives of immigrants, and who advocates on behalf of immigrants. Nominee may be an individual, an organization, a business, a governmental or community entity, or a non-profit organization.

The deadline to submit your nomination is April 24, 2015.

Click here for more information on the eligibility requirements, application process and other details.

Visit our event website for more information – Immigrant Journey Awards.

Award and scholarship winners will be announced at the Immigrant Journey Awards luncheon on Friday, June 12, 2015 at the Prestonwood Country Club, Dallas.

Please save the date to attend this inspiring event!

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