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Your Dream, Our Mission - Your
Gateway to a Brighter Future

New Entrepreneur Resources Available on USCIS Website

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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has published additional online resources on to provide an overview of some of the temporary and permanent pathways for noncitizen entrepreneurs to work in the United States. This guide also highlights some of the most important immigration-related considerations for entrepreneurs contemplating starting or managing a business in the United States.

New pages:

The United States has long been a destination for top talent from all over the world. Our ability to attract entrepreneurs has spurred path-breaking innovation, leading to the creation of jobs, new industries, and new opportunities for all Americans.

This article is provided as an educational service and is not legal advice. Consult with an attorney for your specific circumstances.  For a comprehensive evaluation of your immigration situation and options, 

you are invited to call us at 214-393-4917, text us using our chat box, or complete our contact form.

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