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The Dos and Don’ts of Trademarking Your Business Name

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Why You Should Hire A Dallas Trademarking Attorney

When your business is in its infancy, choosing a name is equally exciting and overwhelming. You want the name to embody your company’s spirit, message, and overall appeal, but you don’t want to overstep any legal boundaries. With that said, it’s in your best interest to consult with a trademark attorney in Dallas as the process unfolds. Otherwise, you’re liable to face legal consequences for a seemingly innocent decision.

The Importance Of Seeking Legal Counsel

As experienced business lawyers in Dallas TX, we know the ins and outs of trademarking a business. Most aspiring entrepreneurs lack the necessary knowledge, which can result in a lawsuit or financial fiasco. To ensure that you’re protecting your company against unintentional breaches of trademark rights, enlist the help of a Dallas business attorney at Badmus & Associates.

What To Do

After hiring a Dallas business lawyer with trademark-related experience, have them look into trademarks similar to yours. It’s not uncommon for budding businesspeople to unknowingly choose a business name that already exists. If your lawyer deems your name unique enough, register it as a trademark immediately. Once you’ve covered your bases, look out for businesses that offer products and services that bear a striking resemblance to the ones you provide.

Being vigilant will prevent you from becoming a victim of trademark infringement. If you suspect that another company is embarking on your territory, contact your attorney right away. If your lawyer detects unlawful activity, they’ll issue a cease and desist order. This will send a clear message that your business is not to be imitated or stolen. For your peace of mind, have your attorney watch the market for other trademark infringement threats.

If you have any additional questions or concerns along the way, don’t hesitate to ask. As long as you’re using your trademark the way it was registered, you won’t find yourself in any legal trouble. However, that doesn’t mean ill-intentioned companies won’t rear their ugly heads. To keep you and your business out of these murky waters, hire one of our professional attorneys to oversee all trademark affairs.

What Not To Do
Most importantly, don’t register your trademark until you’ve spoken with a lawyer. The legalities can be tricky to navigate, and you’ll find yourself in a sticky situation if you overlook pertinent details. What’s more, don’t allow the costs that come with registering your trademark to discourage you from doing so. A lawsuit will cost you much more, so it’s prudent to budget accordingly.

Above all else, don’t respond to accusations of trademark infringement without your attorney present. In the same breath, don’t sit idly by as another business disobeys trademark regulations. Acting promptly and professionally is the only surefire way to safeguard your company. In essence, rely on your attorney to handle all trademark matters, and don’t take any legal actions without their permission or involvement.

The Badmus & Associates Promise: Business Lawyer Dallas

With our competent attorneys at your disposal, you can rest assured that your trademark needs will be met. What’s more, we use our industry know-how to streamline the process and, in turn, make your experience convenient and hassle-free. There’s so much that goes into researching and registering a trademark, and it’s ill-advised to pursue these steps solo. Establish your brand with confidence, breathe clarity into the process, and protect your business when you place your trust in us.

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